Getting Started
Society of CSU Faculty/AP Retirees Retirement Guide
The Society has compiled information that we believe is helpful for faculty retiring from CSU. Download the complete guide (pdf)
CSU Benefits Office
Materials developed by the Society cannot be viewed as firm recommendations. Nor are they in any way to substitute for the official advice and counsel available from Human Resources. All retiring faculty must contact Human Resources and arrange a formal appointment to discuss legal, financial, and other decision items. Human Resources is the only source of official information on retirement benefits.
Checklist: Discussing Retirement With Your Chair
In the past, much variation across departments resulted in inequalities in the perquisites and facilities offered to retiring faculty. Many found out later that they could have added resources to their retirement that would have been valuable. To move toward a standard set of offerings, The Society has, with the encouragement of the Provost, developed a checklist to guide your retirement discussions with your chair or unit head. The checklist presents the array of what is available and assumes that the retiring member will be offered them all unless they decline, an “opt out” approach. At the end of the discussion between chair and retiring faculty member, both sign the checklist which becomes a record of what the retiree has been offered and what was accepted. Download the checklist (pdf)
Community Organizations for Retirees
The Fort Collins-Loveland-Greeley region continues to score very highly as a retirement destination in national polls. Consequently there are a host of organizations catering to the needs and interests of older regional residents. We list two of them below and encourage you to explore their various program offerings.
- Fort Collins Senior Center – (970) 221-6644
- Fort Collins Senior Advisory Board – (970) 224-6026