Post-Employment Status Choices
Alternative Choices
When stepping down from regular full-time employment, you will be placed in one or more of the following categories that will define your future relationship with the university.
Transitional Appointment
Requires formally terminating the regular appointment and reappointment by the Governing Board to transitional status. Transitional appointments are normally 50 percent of one’s prior full-time employment and run from one to a maximum of four years. It is often a good idea to have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with your department and college at the initiation of a transitional appointment. Get as much specificity as possible on your expected assignments, what semesters will you be absent, what office space, laboratories and staff support will you be entitled to, etc. Apply for transitional status one year in advance. (Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual, Section E.2.1.6)
Part-time Special Appointment
Provides maximum flexibility in terms of time and content insofar as the university is concerned. However, PERA retirees should know they face a strictly enforced 110 days or 720 hours per calendar year limit if they wish to draw PERA benefits at the same time. Details are available on the PERA website:
Simple Retirement
Complete the required paperwork, turn in the keys and walk out the door.
Conflicting Status Designations
Often a retiree (emeritus or not) may wish to ease into retirement by retaining a more formal affiliation with the university to finish research, bring a graduate student to completion, etc. These associations will be considered by the HR database as “active” and will therefore trump either the simple retiree or emeritus/emerita status for as long as the associate status continues.
Five types of “Associate” status are available. Each denotes an unfunded relationship and each has an end date. Two classes of Associate which convey university status with associated privileges are: 1) Faculty Affiliate, and 2) Visiting Scientist/Visiting Scholar. Three other Associate classes are authorized for an eID only to access electronic campus communication resources needed for the individual’s specific assignment. Other university services and support are generally proscribed. These are: 1) Committee Associate, 2) Guest Associate and 3) Federal Associate. Each of these classifications are different in their usage and associated privileges. If you must choose an Associate status, choose carefully.
If You Retired Before 2003
Some records for individuals who retired before January 2003 were occasionally difficult to interpret and merge into the HRS Oracle database. Accordingly some difficulties may be experienced, such as eIDs that expire. Anyone who retired before 1/1/2003 and is unable to access University systems requiring an eID or CSU ID should fill out the Biographical Data Form and mail it to the address on the form.
Emeritus/Emerita Status
Emeritus/Emerita appointments may be granted to eligible academic faculty and administrative professionals at retirement. Such appointments are proposed by the relevant department, endorsed by the Dean and Provost and subject to final approval by the Board of Governors. For more information refer to Section E.3.1. in the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual.
Colorado State University encourages eligible retirees to apply for emeritus/emerita status. Since approval can take some months, it is recommended that emeritus applications be initiated about 4 months ahead of the planned retirement date. A moderately detailed summary of career accomplishments and contributions to CSU’s mission and programs is expected to justify an emeritus request. So that your transition will go seamlessly: 1) start early, and 2) justify your case well.